
Rajkot Update News: Link Aadhaar with Voter List

The government of India has made it mandatory for every eligible citizen to have a voter ID card. The voter ID card is one of the essential documents required to participate in the democratic process of the country. However, with the increasing number of fake voter ID cards and bogus voters, the government has introduced a new initiative of linking the Aadhaar card with the voter ID card. This move will help in creating a clean and transparent voting process. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of linking Aadhaar with the voter list in Rajkot, the process of linking the two, and its benefits.

Importance of Linking Aadhaar with Voter List

The Aadhaar card is a unique identification card issued by the government of India. It contains the biometric and demographic details of an individual. Linking the Aadhaar card with the voter ID card will help in verifying the identity of the voter and reducing the chances of bogus voting. It will also help in identifying duplicate voter ID cards and ensure that only eligible citizens can cast their votes.

Process of Linking Aadhaar with Voter List

The process of linking Aadhaar with the voter list in Rajkot is simple and can be done online or offline. For online linking, the citizen needs to visit the National Voter’s Service Portal and follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Visit the National Voter’s Service Portal (NVSP) website.
  2. Click on the ‘Link Aadhaar’ option.
  3. Enter the details such as name, date of birth, gender, and mobile number.
  4. Enter the Aadhaar number and click on the ‘submit’ button.
  5. A one-time password (OTP) will be sent to the registered mobile number.
  6. Enter the OTP and click on the ‘submit’ button.
  7. The Aadhaar card will be linked with the voter ID card.

For offline linking, the citizen needs to visit the nearest election office and follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Collect the Aadhaar seeding form from the election office.
  2. Fill in the details such as name, voter ID card number, and Aadhaar number.
  3. Submit the form along with a copy of the Aadhaar card and voter ID card.
  4. The election office will verify the details and link the Aadhaar card with the voter ID card.

Benefits of Linking Aadhaar with Voter List

There are numerous benefits of linking Aadhaar with the voter list. Some of the key benefits are mentioned below:

  1. Reduced chances of fake voters: Linking Aadhaar with the voter ID card will help in reducing the chances of fake voters. It will ensure that only eligible citizens can cast their votes.
  2. Identification of duplicate voter ID cards: Linking Aadhaar with the voter ID card will help in identifying duplicate voter ID cards. It will ensure that only one voter ID card is issued to an eligible citizen.
  3. Easy verification of voter’s identity: Linking Aadhaar with the voter ID card will make it easy to verify the voter’s identity. It will ensure that the right person is casting the vote.
  4. Transparent voting process: Linking Aadhaar with the voter ID card will create a transparent voting process. It will ensure that there is no scope for bogus voting or electoral malpractices.

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Rajkot update news: link aadhaar with voter list


Linking Aadhaar with the voter list is an important initiative taken by the government to ensure a clean and transparent voting process. It will help in identifying fake voters and ensuring that only eligible citizens can participate in the democratic process. In Rajkot, citizens can easily link their Aadhaar card with the voter ID card through the online or offline process. The benefits of linking Aadhaar with the voter list are numerous, including reduced chances of fake voters, identification of duplicate voter ID cards, easy verification of voter’s identity, and a transparent voting process. Therefore, it is crucial for all eligible citizens to link their Aadhaar card with the voter ID card to participate in the democratic process and ensure a clean and transparent voting process.

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